Work Plan

To achieve its objectives, the project is structured around 3 priorities and 10 activities. Activity 1 is related to Project Management which is included in the 3 priorities:

Priority 1. Support the assessment of GES on D11 in MED Region 

Activity 4. Joint Proposal of a candidate for an impulsine noise indicator in MED area

Activity 5. Assessment on existing guidelines and tools on biodiversity protection

Activity 6. Joint proposal of a methodology to establish thresholds in the Med area

Activity 7. Training session I and workshop for Competent Authorities on GES

Priority 2. Complete gaps in monitoring data D11. Information and collection tools

Activity 8. Information tool to support the update monitoring programmes of impulsive noise impact indicator

Activity 9. Operational pilot of an impulsive noise impact monitoring

Priority 3. MED Region coordinated measures

Activity 2. Dissemination and comunication

Activity 3. ACCOBAMS joint register promotion

Activity 10. Training session II for Competent Authorities on regionally coordinated measures

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This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2

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