Workshop with the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBAMS noise working group

In the framework of the QUIETMED2 project a workshop was organised in Monaco during 25th and 26th June 2019 with all project partners to discuss regarding a joint proposal of a candidate for an impulsive noise indicator in the Mediterranean Sea Region. The QUIETMED2 consortium includes: CTN (Spain), ACCOBAMS (Monaco), DFMR (Cyprus), IZVRS (Slovenia), HCMR (Greece), IOF (Croatia), UM – The Conservation Biology Research Group (Malta), POLIMI – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Italy), SSW (Greece), SPA/RAC (Tunisia) and ICES (Denmark).
The main issues of the first day were the background on impulsive noise & the preliminary discussion on how to reach common understanding on key elements. At the first workshop with the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBAMS noise working group, Nathan Merchant from Cefas Noise presented the background & latest news from OSPAR process on candidate impact indicator.
This first day concluded with three discussion sessions regarding indicator metric, applicability in the Mediterranean Sea Region & the difficulties and barriers at national and regional levels.
The workshop continued the next day with more discussion sessions related to assesment aproaches, species, baseline and references levels and assesment criteria.

Nathan Merchant from Cefas Noise

Nathan Merchant from Cefas Noise
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This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2
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