IQOE Science Committee endorsed QUIETMED2 Project

The IQOE (International Quiet Ocean Experiment) Science Committee endorsed QUIETMED2 Project in May 2019!
IQOE is an international scientific program to promote research, observations, and modelling to improve understanding of ocean soundscapes and effects of sound on marine organisms.
Endorsed projects will be expected to help develop and follow standards for research and observations, to help develop and follow the IQOE data policy, and to work together with other projects with shared goals.
We will work together with ADEON, JOMOPANS, JONAS, PHYSIC, SanctSound & TANGO to help achieve the scientific goals of the IQOE.
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This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2
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