Kick-off meeting of QUIETMED2 Project

Last 27th of February 2019 the Marine Technology Centre (CTN), as project coordinator, organised the kick-off meeting of QUIETMED2 project ‘Joint programme for GES assessment on D11-noise in the Mediterranean Marine Region’ in Brussels. This Project is funded by Directorate-General for Environment, European Commission.
The project is developed by a consortium made up of 11 entities. The consortium is coordinated by CTN (Spain) and formed by ACCOBAMS (Monaco), DFMR (Cyprus), IZVRS (Slovenia), HCMR (Greece), IOF (Croatia), UM – The Conservation Biology Research Group (Malta), POLIMI – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Italy), SSW (Greece), SPA/RAC (Tunisia) and ICES (Denmark).
QUIETMED2 aims to support Member States Competent Authorities in the assessment of the extent to which GES (Good Environmental Status) on Descriptor 11 (underwater noise) has been achieved in the Mediterranean Region to get an updated, improved and more complete regional assessment by providing practical outcomes to implement the 2017/848 Decisions. The project builds on work done and results of QUIETMED project that has been developed by most of the partners of this project and other projects funded by DG Environment.
During this first meeting of QUIETMED2 project have been presented the objectives, the workplan and issues related with the general organization of the project.
After this first step, QUIETMED2 is ready to start!
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This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2
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