Training session for Competent Authorities to better implement the new GES decision

QUIETMED2 project provides a liaison between expert groups on noise and competent authorities to facilitate the MSFD implementation
In June 2019, the QUIETMED2 project held the first of two workshops planned with the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBAMS Noise Working Group in Monaco. In order to move forward to advance from the underwater noise pressure to its potential impact, the aim of this workshop was to discuss about a joint proposal of an impulsive noise risk of impact indicator in the Mediterranean Sea Region. This indicator will provide quantitative metrics for the risk of impact from impulsive noise to assess the effect of the noise pressure. On the basis of the work developed at European Commission level by the Technical Group on Noise (TG Noise) and the OSPAR Convention, during two days, several sessions were devoted to define technical aspects such as the indicator metric, assessment approaches, baseline and references levels and assessment criteria. Furthermore, the applicability in the Mediterranean Sea Region and the difficulties and barriers at national and regional levels were tackled. After this first joint exercise to develop the indicator, it is expected the development of a second workshop with the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBAMS Noise Working Group in January 2020, in the Marine Technology Centre (CTN), in Spain.
On the other hand, one of the main project objectives is the liaison with National Authorities to support them in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. With this aim, the QUIETMED2 project organised the workshop “Training Session to Better Manage Underwater Noise Pollution in the Mediterranean Region” in the context of the World Marine Mammal Conference last 7th December 2019 in Barcelona. The aim of this training workshop was to support the assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) with regards to underwater noise pollution (Descriptor 11 of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive) in the Mediterranean Region. The main activities developed during this workshop were the presentation and training on the ACCOBAMS International Impulsive Noise Register for the Mediterranean Sea Region (INR-MED) and the review of the GES assessment and presentation of existing approaches and solutions for the management of underwater noise pollution impacting marine biodiversity. This training session was intended not also for European competent authorities but also for no European authorities to boost cooperation at Mediterranean level.
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This project has received funding from DG Environment of the European Commission within the “DG ENV/MSFD 2018 call” under grant agreement No. 110661/2018/794481/SUB/ENV.C2
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